Friday, June 15, 2007



Even though the postmortem showed stomach cancer, rumours spread that the exiled French emperor had not died of natural causes. The controversy .. ..

Following his defeat at the battle of Waterloo in 1815, French emperor Napolean Bonaparte (born 1769) was sent into exile on the tiny island of St.HELENA in the South Atlantic.

Napoleaon spent five years on the british ruled island before he died on May5,1821.

During his exile Napoleaon's health declined steadily.Since September 1819. Bonaparte had been under the cure of DR. ANTOMMARCHI. The doctor had performed a postmortem, observed by five british doctors.He confirmed that the emperor had died of STOMACH CANCER.But many did not believe the official post mortem, and, until a few years ago, rumour prevailed that he died of ARSENIC POISONNING.


Bonaparte was first treated on St. Helena by an Irishman named Dr.O'MEARA.He discribed the symptoms of the patient as : swollen gums with holes , insomnia, swollen legs, hot flushes and attackes of migraine.
  1. He stated that Napoleon suffered from mild scurvy due to unbalanced diet.

  2. However, RENE MAURY , a modern French scientist described the symptoms as those of arsenic poisoning. Forensic toxicologists refuted the statement.

  3. Maury put forth another argument, that pointed that Napoleon's body had not decomposed in the coffin even in 1840 (arsenic delays decomposition of the dead body).
    The problem with this thoery was that the damp condition of St.Helena could have slowed down the decmposition process.

  4. In the early 1960s, tests were carrried out on Napoleon's hair samples.The results shot down the arsenic theory. A second round of testing in 1994 revealed arsenic in small quantities.The poison could have come from food and water on St.Helena.


1. An agent of the Bourbons , the french royal family, who were restored to the throne in 1814 , and owed this gain to Napoleon's defeat.
2. British doctors, who could have easily poisoned the emperor.
3.COUNT de MONTHOLON , responsible for the house hold of the emperor , however was the real suspect according to Maury.According to the emperor's will he stood to receive large sum of money.


In October, 2005, a document was unearthed in Scotland that presented an account of the autopsy, which again seems to confirm Antommarchi's conclusion.More recent analysis of the etiology and pathogenesis of Napoleon's illness also suggests that Napoleon's illness was a sporadic gastric carcinoma of advanced stage.

The original post-mortem examination carried out by Francesco Antommarchi concluded Napoleon died of stomach cancer without knowing Napoleon’s father had died of stomach cancer.
An extensive 2007 study found no evidence of arsenic poisoning in the organs, such as hem­or­rhag­ing in the lin­ing in­side the heart, and also concluded that stomach cancer was the cause of death.


The most mysterious objects in the universe must certainly be the invisible and inconceivably dense objects known as black holes.Nothing can escape its grip.But how can we be certain of their existence if we cannot see them??

To imagine a black hole, think of an abyss- small in size yet unimaginably dense- swallowing everything that comes within its reach. Einstein's theory of general relativity, developed in 1916, explains BLACK HOLE as when large enough amount of mass is present within a small enough volume, all paths through space arewarped inwards towards the center of the volume. When an object is compressed enough for this to occur, collapse is unavoidable . When an object passes within the event horizon at the boundary of the black hole, it is lost forever .


According to astrophysicists' calculations , the mass of all the matter in space is not sufficient to hold the distant stars. This has given rise to the idea that there is some invisible mass of matter that is capable of exerting sufficient force on all existing stars. It is possible that this force could be exerted by one or two gigantic black holes at the centre of the universe.

Black holes can be of almost any mass. Super massive black holes containing millions to billions of times the mass of the sun, Intermediate-mass black holes, whose size is measured in thousands ofsolar masses,Stellar-mass black holes have masses ranging from about 1.5-3.0 solar masses to 15 solar masses , or Micro black holes, which have masses much less than that of stars.


General relativity describes mass as changing the shape of space time, and the shape of space time as describing how matter moves through space. For objects much less dense than black holes,this results in something similar to Newton's laws of gravity: objects with mass attract each other, but it's possible to define an escape velocity which allows a test object to leave the gravitationalfield of any large object. For objects as dense as black holes, this stops being the case. The effort required to leave the hole becomes infinite, with no escape velocity defined.


Black holes are possibly the most serious potential threats to Earth and humanity,as a naturally-produced black hole could pass through our Solar System , and a large particle accelerator mightproduce a micro black hole, and if this escaped it could gradually eat the whole of the Earth.